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Oceans in the News

A compilation of current news relevant to oceans and climate as guided by COSEE-OS concept maps. These maps and our interface (under development) address Ocean Literacy Essential Principle #3: "The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate".

Search "Oceans in the News" by Key Phrase
Airborne particles Major algal blooms
Atmosphere & ocean trap and store heat Major storms
Atmospheric circulation Microscopic organisms
Bacteria Mixed upper ocean currents
Biological pump Move heat around the globe
Boiling point Move water around the globe
Buried or sequestered carbon Natural processes
Carbon dioxide (dissolved) Nutrients in the ocean
CFCs Ocean acidification
Climate change Ocean circulation
Climate warming Ocean heat storage
CO2 and methane Ocean salinity
Coastal 'dead' zones Orbital path around the sun
Day & night Organic carbon
Deep ocean currents Oxygen
Deforestation Ozone hole
Distance from the sun Permafrost thaw
Drought Planets intercept light and heat energy
Dust storms Pollution
Earth's gravity field Precipitation, condensation and evaporation
Earth's rotation Presence of heat-trapping, liquid water
Ecosystem change Primary producers and grazers
El Niño / La Niña Primary productivity
Fecal pellets Salt water in the oceans
Food web Sea level
Fossil fuels Sea surface temperature
Fossil record Seasons
Freezing point Skin cancer
Freshwater in clouds, etc. Solid
Gas Subsurface temperature
Greenhouse effect Sun
Human industrial processes Surface color (albedo)
Hurricanes Tides
Inorganic carbon Tilt of spin axis
Insects and organisms that carry disease Transport processes
Jet streams and surface winds Upwelling
Land runoff and floods UV radiation
Life Water cycle
Liquid Water density
Living things & non-living things Water phase and properties

Teachers! Are you interested in using a set of guiding questions to assist your students in reading current events? Read about the growing evidence and strategy for providing current event items to students in - Bringing Ocean Science News To the Classroom.

Oceans in the News provides the following services:

  • a clearinghouse of current, relevant headlines including a brief synopsis of story with references to source and/or full text documents;

  • highlight freely available web content (e.g., press releases from NSF, NOAA, NASA, US Global Climate Change Research Program, academic and research institutions, along with popular magazines/newspapers);

  • links to relevant visualizations.

Feature Articles
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
A comprehensive and rigorous picture of the global present state of knowledge of climate change.

Science Bulletins
The American Museum of Natural History brings you feature stories, interactive data visualizations, and weekly Snapshot images to learn about recent discoveries and new technologies in astrophysics, Earth science, and biodiversity.

Is Global Warming Changing the Arctic?
In the Arctic, the air, sea ice, and underlying ocean all interact in a delicately balanced system. To understand why, you have to follow the water. A five part series discussing the Arctic - reported in Oceanus the Magazine that Explores the Oceans in Depth, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

"Our Changing World"
Understanding the Science of Climate Change

Special Report by the Bangor Daily News in collaboration with the University of Maine Climate Change Institute.

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This icon indicates a link to Maine's Digital Library. Access to MARVEL! is restricted to registered, Maine residents, however, if you are outside of Maine and in the US, it is likely that your state has its own digital library and may subscribe to the referenced journal or magazine. Please check with your local library.

Special thanks to T. Huntington, USGS, H. Gomes, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, and A. Cline, UNH Coastal Ocean Observing Center, for their contributions to Oceans in the News, 2005-2008. For more information or to contribute to Oceans in the News, please contact the Editor.

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tagline-advancing ocean sciences education
National Science Foundation logo   National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration   Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Scientists   The University of Maine   The University of New Hampshire