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Welcome to COSEE-OS!

The Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE), funded primarily by the National Science Foundation, have made great strides in building relationships among the education and ocean research communities. A team of researchers and other experts from the University of Maine (UMaine), University of New Hampshire (UNH), and Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences was formed to establish a thematic center known as COSEE-Ocean Systems (OS). COSEE-OS has the long-term goal of helping the COSEE Network reach rural and inland audiences. We are creating and evaluating a series of interconnected tools and techniques to broaden understanding of oceans in the context of the earth and solar systems.

Teaching Science by Ocean Inquiry


Our approach:

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tagline-advancing ocean sciences education
National Science Foundation logo   National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration   Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Scientists   The University of Maine   The University of New Hampshire